Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where Have We Been...?

Many of you are wondering why The Farmstead Apothecary seemed to fall of the face of the earth for several months. A few reasons exist, but the primary reason was that I just couldn't possibly keep up with the demands of the business while keeping my two year old daughter, Ysabella, from falling to her death from the top of the stairs, saving her from tipping the refrigerator over on top of herself, scooping her up off the floor after she crashed from the top of the kitchen table, sweeping the chokable objects from her mouth a dozen times a day, stopping her in the nick of time from pulling plugs, tearing up school work, eating dog food, cleaning out the cat litter, swishing things in the toilet bowl... Do you get the picture? So, that is what I've been up to since last summer. What toddler isn't somewhat of a challenge? She can be just as sweet as an apple pie, too! And the girl can dance! She loves music. We all enjoy her so much and wouldn't trade her personality for any other. But, she demanded my full attention in order to keep her from severely injuring herself during this past year with her antics. I worked from home pleasantly and peacefully (most of the time!)when Quinn was her age so we will attempt to find our balance again now that she has passed the two year mark and is begining to settle down a litte bit. Just a bit...

Besides that, we went without internet service for 6 months in order to save money and LOVED it! Can you imagine? And we still don't have television other than for dvd viewing! It has been over 5 years now. I highly recommend it! Oh, the books you can read.

I did break down and sign up for a Facebook page just for the business, so please look us up and become a fan (the-farmstead-apothecary)! Spread the word, please! I can't do this without your help. I will be periodically posting free shipping codes on the Facebook page once I get enough fans, so make sure you visit it often and tell all of your friends!

I am also considering re-opening my From Fields and Gardens website. Let me know what your thoughts are on that. For those of you who don't recall, it was full of simple living information, health and nutrition help, recipes, etc.

Well, I sure hope to get caught up with all of you over the next few weeks. Send me an etsy convo!



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